Cocreating a competence framework

What elements need to be included in a competence framework for education programs on impact-drivenĀ  entrepreneurship? And what ingredients need to be in a toolkit for developing such programs? These and other questions were addressed at the second IDEEC meeting in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Focus was on cocreation and brainstorming.

In the project IDEEC (Impact-Driven Entrepreneurship Education for Children), the main aim is to develop practical tools for educators. These tools support them to build and deliver programs that help young people develop competences related to impact-driven entrepreneurship. The three main products now in development are:

-a Competence framework; building on existing frameworks

-a Didactics guide, with a set of didactical principles for such programs

-a Toolbox with a set of building blocks for such programs

In a later stage, a policy brief aimed at policy support for such programs will also be developed.

The meeting in Reggio Emilia on 15-16 June 2023, hosted by E-35 Foundation, focused on the Competence framework and Didactics guide. The results of three surveys, held among education providing organizations, teachers and entrepreneurs, were discussed. What elements from existing frameworks, such as Entrecomp, Greencomp and soft skills, are deemed most important and should be included in the IDEEC Competence Framework? Which didactical principles are crucial? And what should be the ingredients of the Toolbox?


Brainstorming, puzzling and a colorful wall of sticky notes were important elements in the two-day meeting. The participants left with a clear idea of the work to be done in the coming months, leading up to the IDEEC workshop, held in October in Amsterdam.

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