2.6 Critical Thinking

Phase 1: Challenge Framing Phase 2: Solutions Experimenting Phase 3: Impact Making 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Self awareness and efficacy Ethical and sustainable thinking Vision Creativity Teamwork Critical thinking Mobilising others Organization Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity & risk


In order to create impact through entrepreneurship, it is important to think critically to value ideas. This means making the most of ideas and opportunities, judging what value is in social, cultural and economic terms and recognising the potential an idea has for creating value and identifying suitable ways of making the most out of it.

Teacher recommendations to develop learner capabilities: 

The teacher may create spaces for students to freely express their beliefs and ideas, to develop their critical and logical abilities for researching, comparing, deducing, recognising accurate information, and rejecting illogic and untruth.

I am / I can / I do statements: 

  • I compare different sources/needs and opinions.
  • I prioritise.
  • I select.
  • I research what creates value for a better world.
  • I seek truth.
  • I seek justice. 
  • I reject illogic.
  • I use deductive logic to draw conclusions.

Activities in this stage

2.6 Critical Thinking

2.6 Critical Thinking

2.6 Critical Thinking

2.6 Critical Thinking

2.6 Critical Thinking

2.6 Critical Thinking

2.6 Critical Thinking

Competencies in phase 2 (Solutions Experimenting)

Explore teacher recommendations and activities for each competency.


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