3.9 Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk

Phase 1: Challenge Framing Phase 2: Solutions Experimenting Phase 3: Impact Making 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Self awareness and efficacy Ethical and sustainable thinking Vision Creativity Teamwork Critical thinking Mobilising others Organization Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity & risk


In order to create impact through entrepreneurship, being able to copy with uncertainties ambiguity & risk is a key competence as these are also intrinsic characteristics of most of the present and future social and environmental challenges.

Teacher recommendations to develop learner capabilities: 

The teacher may create a learning space where failure is welcomed as part of the learning journey. 

The teacher may create a safe space for learners to believe in their ability to influence the course of events, face uncertainty, setbacks and temporary failures, and demonstrate resilience and agility.

I am / I can / I do statements: 

  • I dare to take decisions in situations of uncertainty and ambiguity.
  • I am tolerant of risk.
  • I show resilience.
  • I overcome difficult circumstances.
  • I test my ideas with others by making samples/prototypes and adapting and changing, based on rethinking and feedback.
  • I can receive positive and negative feedback constructively, and use it to adapt and change my ideas and plans.
  • I can make quick changes without getting stuck.

Activities in this stage

3.9 Coping with uncertainties, ambiguity and risk

3.9 Coping with uncertainties, ambiguity and risk

Competencies in phase 3 (Impact Making)

Explore teacher recommendations and activities for each competency.


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