1.Challenge framing

Phase 1: Challenge Framing Phase 2: Solutions Experimenting Phase 3: Impact Making 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Self awareness and efficacy Ethical and sustainable thinking Vision Creativity Teamwork Critical thinking Mobilising others Organization Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity & risk


This process of developing self-awareness and self-efficacy is the basis for selecting challenges. You get learners to select or identify challenges that ideally come from their context and experience, or from the bank of challenges that are already offered as part of the toolkit.

Digging into and framing this challenge, they develop ethical and sustainable thinking. They travel from the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to their local application, so that they understand that it is in their power to contribute their grain of sand in improving the global challenges that concern us and matter to us. They have a space to express their own ideas and worries, interests and concerns, which also sparks the development of a plan for a better solution, a better reality, an improved life. This process is encompassed by vision.

Students will learn:

  • Explore themselves: who are you and what do you care about?
  • Explore challenges: what challenges do you see around you that you want to address?
  • Identify one challenge: what challenge do you want to focus on?
  • Dig into the challenge: what is the current status of the challenge and which gaps do you see?
  • Frame the challenge: how can you connect the challenge to your context and environment?
  • Formulate questions for exploration: ‘how might we change this?’

Learning objectives of Phase 1

  1. Delve into the concept of impact-driven entrepreneurship and the personal possibilities for contributing to global challenges, from the local level.
  2. Value ideas with social impact and the development of an entrepreneurial project that improves your environment.
  3. Identify practical examples of projects with social impact.

Connection to Didactics Principles

The learner visualises themselves as an agent of change and initiates a path towards a scenario in which they can change and improve their environment. This path should be programmed, and each step should aim to achieve and maintain principles based on the idea of an inclusive and sustainable community.

Activities in this stage

1.1 Self-awareness and self-efficacy

1.1 Self-awareness and self-efficacy

1.1 Self-awareness and self-efficacy

1.1 Self-awareness and self-efficacy

1.2 Ethical & Sustainable Thinking

1.2 Ethical & Sustainable Thinking

1.2 Ethical & Sustainable Thinking

1.3 Vision

1.2 Ethical & Sustainable Thinking

1.3 Vision

1.3 Vision

Frequently asked questions



The three phases


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