The toolkit


How do young people experience that they can make a positive impact on their environment through entrepreneurial actions? We, the educators in the IDEEC team, see this as an experiential, practical, local and active process. Developing competencies for impact-driven entrepreneurship requires agency and activity from your learners.

The framework is divided into three key phases, each featuring three core competencies. Each competency includes a range of engaging activities.

Download the activity pack now and bring these competencies to life!

Phase 1: Challenge Framing Phase 2: Solutions Experimenting Phase 3: Impact Making 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Self awareness and efficacy Ethical and sustainable thinking Vision Creativity Teamwork Critical thinking Mobilising others Organization Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity & risk

Students identify real world problems by exploring root causes, stakeholders, and the broader context. This stage builds critical thinking, empathy and problem definition skills.

Students brainstorm, prototype and test ideas refining solutions through feedback and iteration. Creativity, teamwork and learning through failure are all key.

In this phase, students focus on sharing, implementing and scaling their solutions to create impact and meaningful change. This is where students mobilise others, leverage their organisational skills and learn how to cope with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk.

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